Garden Maintenance
We Offer what a lot of people see as the basics of looking after their garden from seasonal (March to October) mowing and strimming of lawns, gedge cutting two to three times a year -dependant on what type of hedge it is), to a more in depth maintenance regime, which include:-
- Lawn aeration and top dressing
- lawn feeding
- Lawn scarifying/li>
- Cutting back of plants
- Dead heading
- Lifting and dividing plants
- Seasonal planting
- Weed-killing
- Driveway- path cleaning/sealing
- Hanging baskets and tubs
There are four seasons to a garden, not just one. Summer, yes, is very important but without putting the hard work in for the other three, you will not reap the rewards. So, basically, I can't over emphasise the importance of four season gardening.